
Out of Place is a platform developed to promote photography as a way of exploring and learning about places. We focus on publishing photobooks and we are committed to developing community and educational programs. We are interested in exploring ideas about place; how we understand and experience our environments and how we define them. Photography lends itself to such a task because in one way or another you have to experience the thing you want to photograph, you have to be there. This is a key concept behind documentary style photography and is one of the reasons why we sometimes believe in photographs.

This, coupled with the cameras knack for seemingly objective reproduction of even the most incidental details, can give photographs a certain amount of authenticity. We want to use photography as a way of learning about our environments and we see these elements of the photographic process as essential to achieving that. The camera offers an opportunity to explore and develop a physical dialogue with a place and the photographs can serve as record of that experience. We are not just interested in objective studies of places, we are interested in providing a platform for individual explorations and interpretations of place.

We believe that the best way to communicate these ideas about a place is through the photobook. The construction of the book helps refine and communicate ideas but it is also something permanent. Unlike exhibitions in galleries and museums it can be kept, shared exist in many places at once and be rediscovered in years to come.